IPDMP posts results Takeaways from Tallahassee, Florida Politics, 1/11/2020 The Florida Department of Health released its 2018-19 Prescription Drug Monitoring Program report this week, and there are some promising trends. "I am pleased that the Prescription Drug Monitoring Program has been so successful in helping reduce the misuse and diversion of controlled substances, including prescription opioids, in Florida,” Núñez said. "This information allows us to closely study trends and achieve a better understanding of the practice and frequency of drug prescribing among providers, as well as drug consumption among patients.” Florida is showing some 'promising trends' in the fight over prescription drug misuse, says Jeanette Núñez. The data shows the average morphine milligram equivalents prescribed — a measure used in tracking opioid prescriptions — has been cut in half; also, the PDMP database has been queried by doctors more than 50 million times. "The Prescription Drug Monitoring Program has proved an effective tool in helping our partners in public health respond to the opioid crisis and has made a real difference in protecting our families and loved ones from the ravages of prescription drug abuse,” Florida Surgeon General Scott Rivkees said. "While I am pleased by the progress reflected in this report, there still remains plenty of work to do regarding the elimination of prescription drug abuse and misuse in our great state.”